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Get to Know Devil's Backbone Open Space: Ecology Profile Photo

Get to Know Devil's Backbone Open Space: Ecology

 10/10/2024  |  09:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  Devil's Backbone Open Space  |  Registration Required

Public Program

At the edge of the mountains and the plains, Devil's Backbone Open Space serves as a transition zone for many living things. But it's not an easy place to live! On this guided hike, we'll learn about what lives here and how our native plants and animals have adapted to the harsh conditions here. This is the second in a series of hikes at Devil's Backbone Open Space centered on getting to know this wonderful place better. Hikes are held on the second Thursday of the month from September-December- check out the calendar to register for future hikes! Topics include ecology, geology, history, and how Larimer County Department of Natural Resources manages this property. This hike will be moderately difficult, traveling over unpaved trails, uneven surfaces, and may include mud on the Wild Loop trail. Participants will travel to the Keyhole and back (approximately 3 miles). Carpooling is recommended as parking is limited. Program is free, but registration and parking pass is required. Participants should bring: Sun protection (sunglasses, hat, sunscreen) Wear comfortable hiking/walking shoes (closed-toe recommended) Water Insect repellant (optional) Snacks Clothing appropriate for the weather Backpack (to carry it all)

Registration is required for this activity. Click "register" to reserve your spot.

General Info
Ellen Harris
(970) 498-5629

Registration Info

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Leader/Volunteer Info

Ellen Profile Photo

Ellen H - Naturalist

I'm the Larimer County Education and Volunteer Specialist! I grew up in Longmont and have loved exploring the ecosystems of the Front Range. I want to share our amazing places with everyone, in whatever way people feel comfortable with.
