Welcoming Spring Saunter
| 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Lions Open Space
| Registration Required
Guided Hike/Program - Age Range: 10 yrs - adult
Becky Staab, a certified yoga instructor and Mindful Outdoor Guide, will lead you on a Spring guided walk in nature at Lion’s Open Space. You will be asked to connect with the gifts of the more than human world by engaging in practices that awaken the senses such as meditation, mindful walking (sauntering), gentle stretching and forest bathing. Becky will invite you to rediscover the joy of nature to strengthen and reclaim the best parts of yourself as a member of the natural world as Spring begins to greet us. This activity is rated: Easy (slow pace, paved and dirt trails with very little elevation change). Challenges: narrow trails, loud noises (roadway, other visitors). Participants will meet under the shelter near the restroom facilities. Best for participants 10 years and older. Program is free, but registration is required. Participants should bring: Sun protection (sunglasses, hat, sunscreen) Wear comfortable hiking/walking shoes (closed-toe recommended) Water Insect repellant (optional) Snacks Clothing appropriate for the weather Backpack (to carry it all)
Minimum Participants: 3Maximum Participants: 10
Registration is required for this activity. Click "register" to reserve your spot.
General InfoRegistration Info
Leader/Volunteer Info

Becky S - Instructor
Becky Staab, a certified yoga instructor and Mindful Outdoor Experience Guide, will lead participants on seasonal guided walks in nature. You will be asked to connect with the gifts of the more than human world by engaging in practices that awaken the senses such as meditation, mindful walking (sauntering), gentle stretching and forest bathing. Becky will invite you to rediscover the joy of nature to strengthen and reclaim the best parts of yourself as a member of the natural world.