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Earth Day Trail Project Profile Photo

Earth Day Trail Project  - Blue Sky Trailhead

Saturday, 24 April 2021 @ 08:00 AM to 01:00 PM

z-Volunteer Opportunity  -  Adults, 16+

Assist our trail crew with trail maintenance needs on the Blue Sky trail. Project will be of moderate difficultly. Volunteers will need to be able to hike 2 or more miles carrying two trail hand tools and supplies for the day. They will be using/swinging tools to move dirt, dig and create drainage features, use loppers/hand saws to remove vegetation, carry/lift rocks, use buckets/wheelbarrows to move material, and/or any other kind of physical labor needed to improve the trail. To keep staff and volunteers safe we will implement COVID guidelines. Volunteers will be required to wear a mask when working within 6ft of others. Volunteers will be assigned tools and should not share tools during the project. We will have hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes available. Please bring a lunch, snacks, and water as needed. We will have some water available but it is possible the water at the trailhead may not yet be turned on for the season. Volunteers should wear sturdy work/hiking boots, long pants, clothes appropriate for changing weather, sun protection, and work gloves. We will have some work gloves available, however, if you have your own we recommend you bring them.

Volunteers Registered: 3 (1 available)

Volunteer Notes

Please bring a mask, work gloves, water, and a lunch. Dress for the weather.
